The boy feeling lost and alone, is sitting on a bench in the park and his life is totally colorless. At the same time a girl comes in his life and spread happiness and make his life colorfull. Over time, they fall in love and build a life together. They grow old together and lastly girl passes away, but their love lives in the memories of boy. The story is about a chance encounter that changes everything, a story of love and destiny of two souls meeting on a park bench and spending a lifetime together. Story theme is driven by Cryptogod_Naman and PS_Creative Background music produced by Tuset Dwiz Design and Animation made by PS_Creative Photographs by Cryptogod_Naman are used as reference to create story and scene. The mentioned NFT is minted as part of Cryptogod's World 2.0 : Fusion of Photography x NFT. Cryptogod's World project is a collaboration of 150+ Artists & Photographers. We are bringing together the magic of photography & art to create 1/1 Fusion NFTs.
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Version 2.6